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Our Cryptographic Stack

Zero-Knowledge Proving

For all zero-knowledge proofs, we use PlonK. We chose this scheme for its ease of verification in an EVM context and its friendliness to collaborative proving, unlike more modern transparent schemes such as FRI / STARKs.

Multi-Party Computation

For MPC, we use maliciously-secure two-party SPDZ. We chose a fast secret-sharing-style scheme, as our circuits are arithmetic and we may potentially expand to more than two parties in the future.

Asymmetric Cryptography

For public-key cryptography (used to encrypt matching outputs and to encrypt plaintext wallets to store them on-chain), we use ElGamal, usually combined with Poseidon hashes to turn asymmetric schemes into faster symmetric ones. ElGamal also has the benefit of being key-private, so that third-party observers cannot determine the destination address of any tokens.