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Super Relayers

Key Hierarchy

All trades within Renegade originate from two relayers running a MPC with each other, so every trader must delegate their wallet to some relayer to match on their behalf. Note that there is a semi-trusted relationship between the user and their relayer(s); since relayers have the ability to match and settle outstanding orders in a wallet, they must be able to view the wallet in order to proceed with MPCs.

To implement this, we define a key hierarchy of five different keys with varying levels of authority, from the Ethereum keypair (most authoritative) to the view keypair (least authoritative).

Each keypair is derivable by knowing the secret key of any keypair further up in the hierarchy. For example, if someone knows the root secret key, they can derive the settle secret key; but if someone only knows the view secret key, they cannot derive any of the other secret keys.

More specifically, each keypair has the following authority:

  • The root keypair has full authority of a user's wallet; knowing the root secret key lets you arbitrarily deposit, withdraw, update, and cancel orders.
  • The match keypair can match outstanding orders in the wallet by performing MPCs.
  • The settle keypair can settle out previous matches, or settle out transfers from a different user inside of the dark pool.
  • The view keypair can view the unencrypted wallet, but perform no operations to it.

For full details on how the various keys are derived and what precise authority each key has, see the Whitepaper.

Keypair Delegation

Delegating a wallet to a relayer means revealing one of the secret keys in the key hierarchy to the relayer. There are two different options for delegation trust relationships:

If you are using someone else's relayer (e.g., the Public Gateway), then you send the match secret key to the relayer. This allows the relayer to view, match, and settle your trades, but does not allow the relayer to place new trades or cancel old ones. To update orders, you must mutate the wallet itself with your root keypair.

If you are using your own relayer, you can either send the match secret key as before and have the same functionality as someone else's relayer, or you can send the root secret key to the relayer to operate in super-relay mode.

When running in super-relay mode, the relayer can bypass on-chain verification entirely for order placement and cancellation. If the relayer knows the root secret key, they are allowed to handshake on arbitrary orders, not just ones that have been registered in your wallet.

Super-relay mode is optimal for sophisticated users who run their own infrastructure and are particularly fee and latency sensitive, as it allows for zero-fee placements and cancellations with zero latency if your trading logic is colocated with your relayer.